Camperships and Grants
“No child will be turned away from Camp Miriam due to lack of funds”.
First Time Camper Grants (One Happy Camper)
If you need financial support to send your child(ren) to camp, we can help you find the best solutions for your family. Please email our Community Director or call the camp office at 604-266-2825.
Here are some options to help support your child’s Camp Miriam experience:
Grants are available if your child is a first-time camper in Grades 3 – 9, not a Jewish day-school student, and staying at camp for 12 days or longer. You can apply for the grant through the One Happy Camper link.
Camp Miriam finances this grant, unless you fall in one of the following groups:
- Any family who is a PJLibrary recipient is eligible for PJGoes to Camp grants; apply through the OHC link. The funds are limited so apply soon.
- Any family who lives outside BC – the Federation in your city might sponsor OHC grants. Apply through the OHC link.
- Any family of a first or second time camper who lives in a community of approximately less than 10,000 Jewish residents. Apply through the OHC link.
If the Federation in your city does not partner with OHC, or if the PJGoes to Camp has exhausted their funds, you may be eligible for a OHC sponsored by Camp Miriam.
Note: if you need to apply for additional financial assistance (i.e. campership), please indicate that on your Camper Application and DO NOT apply for the OHC grant.

Sibling Discount
When you register two or more children from the same family, we automatically apply a 15% discount to the second and third (or more!) campers.
Bring a Friend
Our families are our biggest asset and our best sales people. When you recommend a new family to camp you are actively demonstrating your belief in Camp Miriam and the programming and experiences we provide to Jewish children.
In appreciation of your support, we will discount your fees by $100 for a new family who registers their child for next summer.
Optional Subsidy ($250 for a 3-week session)
When you register your child, you have the option to choose the optional subsidy of $250 with no questions asked about finances. This option is available only to families who are not requesting camperships.
Payment Plan
It is not necessary to pay the entire camp tuition in one lump sum. Post-dated payments, up to May 31st are welcome. If you need to make a payment plan, please discuss with the Community Director.
Thanks to our generous donors, we are able to offer needs-based camperships to families. During the registration process, a family can request the campership package and it will be sent to you by email once the registration is complete. Campership applications should be returned to the camp office by snail mail or to the registrar by email or fax.
Campership applications are confidential and will only be shared with the Camp Miriam Campership Committee. Counsellors and summer staff are not apprised of which campers have received camperships.
The office staff are always available to help you complete the campership application. Please don’t hesitate to contact the office for assistance.
Jewish Federation - Victoria and Seattle
Both these Federations give camperships for children to attend Jewish overnight camps.
Here are the websites of these two Federations:
Synagogue Grants
Tax Receipts
Camp Miriam is a registered charitable organization. A tax receipt for 40% of camp fees paid will be issued before the end of our fiscal year.
We are enormously grateful to our many generous donors. Their support ensures that every child has an opportunity to experience the magic of Camp Miriam.