Jewish Values

Judaism is the soul of Camp Miriam. For many of our campers, a summer at our Gabriola Island refuge is the first time they have the opportunity to actively express and discover their Judaism. For others, our thoughtful and engaging educational program allows for safe exploration of the complexities of religion, Israel and world issues through a progressive Jewish lens.
Much of our program is steeped in tradition tied to our Zionist foundation and our Habonim Dror roots. Learning Hebrew, Shabbat at the Point, raucous evenings of modern Israeli dancing, Hebrew songs sung at the top of our lungs, and a moving weekly Havdallah service are obvious examples that we are a Jewish camp. But underneath those outward manifestations, Jewish values are woven into the fabric of everything we do – whether it’s an intense game of gaga on Saturday morning or a fun tikkun olam (repairing the world) project that helps our Gabriola community.