Shabbat at Miriam
Shabbat at Miriam is a very special experience, one that stays with campers, and for many, has a life long impact on their Jewish identity and how they feel about Shabbat.

It starts on Friday afternoon when everyone cleans their cabins, showers and puts on their Shabbat clothes.
Mishpachot (camp families): A mishpacha is a group of related campers grouped together with other campers of all ages from the same home city. The mishpacha (family) reflects together on the week that passed and the week coming, sharing a special snack together before Shabbat begins.
After Mishpachot, we hold a Mifkad Erev (flag lowering ceremony) and all walk to The Point as an entire camp and sit in a grassy area, hear the Rosh tell a Shabbat/Parasha related story, sing and welcome Shabbat while facing the ocean and the pre-sunset skies. We hug and say “Shabbat Shalom” to each other and head to the beach and the rocks for some free exploration and hanging with friends. We walk back to camp for Shabbat dinner (roasted chicken and potatoes, salad and challah – yum!)
Oneg Shabbat: After dinner, the oldest campers, the Bonimot, lead Shabbat singing, followed by a skit and songs done by one age group.
Rikud (Israeli Dancing): Everyone loves dancing late into the evening on Fridays! We learn traditional circle dances, modern line dances, and even make up our own! No previous experience or skill needed – counselors and older campers teach and escort new campers throughout dances, and make sure everyone is included. Campers often dress in funny/crazy costumes and hairdos, and just have a ball!
On Shabbat morning we sleep in, but early risers can go into the dining room for cinnamon buns and some rousing games of Gaga.
After breakfast, Shabbat Chugim (Shabbat electives/interest groups): Our Shabbat schedule is much more relaxed than the average day. There are multiple opportunities to choose special chugim (electives) to match different Shabbat vibes – reflective and calm or fun and wacky adventures!
A Shabbat special activity is walking to Twin Beaches for an afternoon of games and fun at the beach.
Asepha Klalit (camp wide meeting): this meeting is run by the Mazkirim (elected campers) bringing all campers together to voice their opinions and have a say in what happens at camp. Each kvutzah gets a chance to report back to everyone on how their week was and what their favorite activities were. Notes are taken and the mazkirim meet with the Camp Director afterward to provide the feedback. After the Asepha, we all walk back to camp.
Zman Madatz: To make Shabbat even more special, the Madatz (CITs) plan and run special games and activities.
Musicale: During Musicale, campers have a chance to perform in front of the rest of camp – they can play an instrument, sing, or read poetry. It’s a fantastic opportunity to share musical and poetic passions in a warm and supportive environment.
Havdallah: Havdallah marks the end of Shabbat on Saturday night. Miriam’s Havdallah is one of the campers favourite traditions, when the entire camp comes together to sing the Havdallah songs, light the Havdallah candle, reflect, and listen to music.
Medura (Bonfire) is another wonderful chance for campers to showcase their talents or just be goofy! These performances, unlike Musicale, are geared towards comedy, skits and dancing. Oldest campers play hosts in our SNL-style showcase.