Ways to Give

builders & dreamers: Ways to give

Once you’ve made the decision to make a planned gift to Camp Miriam there are a number of different options that will help maximize your gift to camp, and the tax advantages to your estate.
Here are the most common types of planned gifts people make:


The simplest way to make a planned gift is to designate Habonim Dror Camp Miriam as a beneficiary in your will. It could be a specific dollar amount, an asset or a percentage of your total estate. Gifts made in your will can substantially reduce, or even eliminate, the taxes owing on your estate.
Rest assured that your bequest will be securely held in perpetuity in the John Fraser Endowment Fund for Camp Miriam at the Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Vancouver.
If you want to make a bequest, here is some suggested language to add to your will:

I bequeath $ _____ [or ______ % of my estate] to the Jewish Federation of Greater Vancouver to be directed to the John Fraser Endowment Fund for Camp Miriam at the Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Vancouver.
The Jewish Federation’s charitable BIN number is 11897 4278 RR 0001.

Retirement Assests

You can designate Habonim Dror Camp Miriam as a beneficiary of your RRSPs, RRIFs and TFSAs. This can reduce estate taxes and allows you to make a substantial gift in the future while you retain ownership and use of those assets during your lifetime.

Life Insurance

You can designate Habonim Dror Camp Miriam as an owner and/or beneficiary, in whole or in part, of an insurance policy. This designation can be applied to an existing policy or to a new one.

There are many other options for planned giving. We encourage you to consult your tax, financial and/or legal advisors to help you decide and establish the type of planned gift that best represents the type of legacy you wish to leave.

Celebrating Your Legacy

If you have decided to leave Camp Miriam a planned gift, we would be grateful if you would let us know . Please be assured that this notification is not binding in any way and will be kept in the strictest of confidence. However, it will allow us to thank you and, if you wish, to recognize you as a member of the Camp Miriam Builders & Dreamers Legacy Society along with our other committed and valued supporters. 

To notify us, you can either phone the office at 604-266-2825, or email give@campmiriam.org.