A Regular Day at Camp (Yom Regil)
Camp Miriam’s daily schedule is packed with fun activities, great meals, sports, group activities and education. There’s also free time when campers can choose to rest, play or hang out with friends. Here is a sneak peek of a typical day’s seder yom (daily schedule):

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Kima (Wake up): Wake up to birds chirping and music broadcast over camp’s loudspeaker. Counsellors wake up with their campers and help them get ready for another fabulous day at camp.
Mifkad Boker (Morning Flag Raising): We start the morning all together at the sacred grass to raise the Canadian, Israeli, and Habonim Dror flags, listen to the day’s announcements, sing and cheer.
Aruchat Boker (Breakfast )
Avoda (Work): Modelled after a kibbutz life, Avodah is an integral part of camp life, helping Miriam campers take ownership and responsibility for our collective space. Campers choose an Anaf (work group) at the beginning of each session. Anafim include tzvia (painting), michzoor (recycling), gan (gardening), ashpa (garbage collection), tiyul (helping organizing the equipment for hiking trips), and sherutim (cleaning the washrooms). You will be surprised how much fun cleaning washrooms or collecting garbage can be when it’s at camp!
Peulat Shichva/PISH (Age Group Activity): During PISH, campers participate in an activity counsellors will plan just for their kvutzah (age group). PISH provides an intimate, safe space for learning and discussion. This isn’t like your average day at school – our counsellors create innovative, informal and fun ways to stimulate thought and provoke dialogue.
Zman Sport (Sports): We make sure sport is part of every day at camp by offering a variety of rotating options including kayaking, soccer, ultimate frisbee, basketball, swimming, volleyball, zumba, yoga and, of course, gaga!
Aruchat Tzohorayim (Lunch)
Zman Chofshi (Free Time): Whew! After an action-packed morning, during zman chofshi, campers can relax however they wish: swim, attempt to summit our pool’s climbing wall, do arts and crafts, hang out with friends, swing on the rope swing, write letters home, read, or play sports and games.
Ivrit (Hebrew): We try to make Hebrew a living language at camp, with games, songs and skits, and with announcements in Hebrew happening throughout the day.
Kibbud (Snack)
Shira (Singing): Music and singing are a huge part of camp – infused into most of our activities. During shira, campers learn and practice Hebrew and English camp favourite tunes.
Sadna’ot (Workshops): Every day each kvutzah (age group) gets to try out different activities during Workshops. These vary every summer, but can include kayaking, drama, arts & crafts, Israeli dancing, sports, Israeli culture and more.
Chugim (Elective Activities): At the start of each session, campers choose a daily chug (elective). Chugim vary each year based on our counsellors’ expertise and creativity. Some examples from past summers are: Bears, Simple Pleasures, sports, swimming, ‘kindergarten’, musical jamming, tropical vacation, and melechat yad (arts and crafts).
Mifkad Erev (Evening Flag Lowering): Each evening, we gather again as a camp around the flagpole to lower the flags. Campers stand with their kvutzot (age groups), sing really loud and participate in our usual shenanigans.
Aruchat Erev (Dinner)
Zman Chofshi (Free Time)
Tochnit Erev (Evening Activity): Our evening activities are usually camp wide, fun and experiential. From the most active silly adventure game to a party or movie night, campers enjoy getting to know each other in mixed-age groups.
Rad Hayom: We always close the day in Miriam style: after Tochnit Erev and before bed, we congregate as a camp, link arms and sing our traditional good night song.